Well I'm enjoying my training so far. I've had no trouble with the controlled eating. In fact, my appetite seems to know whose boss now and has stopped grumbling for a mid-morning bacon sandwich. The training is going well, in addition to losing fat my skill on the spinning bike is getting better and I feel stronger every session. I also think this blog was a good idea. It keeps me focused on this project. It makes me want to go to the gym when I get back after work because I don't want to report here that I've slacked off for days. Also, I check my weight this morning and the drop was significant. However, I don't want to post it up yet because a) it's not hugely accurate to measure over short periods due to additional factors and b) my anniversary weekend is coming up and I think the gains risk stalling a little due to booze. But things are looking good. I'll report my changes every fortnight, or at least monthly, as I planned originally.
As good as it is going, I can see flaws. I think with the spinning taking up the bulk of my time, with the little extra I have going to strength/muscle maintenance, my core and stretching work is suffering. So time to up my game a little. This morning I got up early and did good old press ups.
Not aimlessly. I have a seperate goal here. One hundred press ups. I'm not gonna do detailed reporting of my progress here but I'll periodically let you know what's happening. Anyway, having started it this morning it's quite shocking to see how my performance has dropped. I started the 100 push up plan about ten months ago before going back to kung fu briefly and I was doing really well with it, so I was surprised how much has changed since. However, if it's like last time it'll change pretty quickly as my body get's used to it. I love press ups and they're such a good exercise for your core. Most of all, it's cool to be able to show off and be able to crank out a 100 of em. Also, I get to put a little badge on my website once I've done them. Which, because I'm sad, I think is cool.
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