Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Current Stats

You can't know where your going 'till you know where you are.  So without much more ado, here is my current stats (according to the machine at the gym, so take the body fat measurement with a pinch of salt).

Date:             01/10/2010
Height:         6' 1.2"/1.86m
Weight:        202lbs/91.8kg
BMI:            26.5
Body Fat:    19.9%/18.2kg
Lean:            161.9lbs/73.6kg

Now the BMI puts me at over weight, but the body fat puts me in the good category.  Apparently.  Two things to note from this, a) BMI is bullshit that doesn't reflect muscle mass or bone density deviations from average, and b) after a little working out in my head it means that since the last time I had a body fat measurement, six years ago, I've put on 6lbs of lean mass.  I know that's not a lot, but considering how lazy I've been since that last test (when I was 10% body fat) I'm just happy I haven't atrophied.

Now that was on Saturday so it's been a few days now, with a gym session and big bloody walk between, so the numbers might be a shade better.  I'm planning to put these numbers up every two/four weeks, not sure yet. 

This is the baseline.  This where I can't get worse than from now on.  If I slip under these numbers again, it's t-total time, and no one wants to see that happen.  Not me, not my friends, not a brewery, vinyard or distillary.  So it's not just about me.  Just mostly.

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