Monday, 1 November 2010

Stats Update: 28/10/2010 (with pics!)

Okay so this is very delayed.  I apologise.  Busy busy weekend.  But I finally have my new stats and yes even those pics I promised.  I'll try re-edit them later so the one's I've added to aren't so tiny.  I'm not chuffed that the least flattering ones are the ones that kept their original size.  Anyway, stats up first, including height this time...
Height: 6"3.1
Weight: 200lbs - 90.9kg
BMI: 24.9
Body Fat: 24.1% - 21.9kg
Lean Weight: 69kg

Analysis?  Well I'm 2 inches taller!  This really nails it for me how useless this machine is.  I'm not sure if my hair was spikier than usual at the start of the session but that's just crap.  It also derails the BMI numbers, not that I care too much for them.

Better news is that the weight is coming down still.  I flubbed on the Wednesday (and the Monday) having drinks and crap to eat, but the numbers are still showing a drop.  I know from doing a weigh in at home the following day that some of this was water bloating.

Again good news is the body fat is dropping and lean weight increasing.  As we found out last week the BF testing (by electrical resistance testing) is inaccurate, but hopefully by testing in similar conditions (pre-gym) it's a bit better.  Surprised to see a .6kg jump in the lean weight though, my strength training has been minimal.  I suppose it could be legs...

All in all not too shabby.  Not hitting my target though yet but I keep mucking up before weigh ins.  Later week testing shows my weight lower.  I need to cut back on my drinking properly.  This weekend was better though, half a bottle of wine and a few beers across the weekend.  I actually stuck to the soft stuff through a footie match too. 

Anyway, what we've all been waiting for (or dreading) are the pics.  I'm not going to over-analyse these.  They are just going to stand as a testamount to the time I let myself go too far.  Also, I've never really seen my back, and I'm not particularly pleased with it.  But just gotta keep plodding on with my training, things will improve.

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